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Room Inspiration: Sturdy Storage For Busy Hallways

Oct 10, 2018 Rachel Southern

With two little boys who have a tendency to throw their coats, school bags and lunch boxes in a heap by the back door and then run through the house in their shoes, I, Rachel, feel like a bit of a fraud attempting to share advice with you on keeping hallways tidy.

Or maybe, if we look at it from another point of view, because I've no doubt uttered, 'Put your things away, and take those shoes off,' at least a few million times before 4pm, I know the problems us parents face (please tell me it's not just my children) when it comes to not wanting our homes to resemble a badly constructed obstacle course. Therefore, I may just have the necessary experience (messy problems) to be able to share my ideal hallway with you and the products I'd choose to help make keeping it bag and coat free a little easier.

What do you think?

Shall we take a look at what GLTC has to offer?

I can't imagine that the products come with a guarantee that our children will miraculously start to put things away but we can dream, right?


First up on my wish list is shoe storage - storage that doesn't require too much of an effort to use. Much as I love the Abbeville cube storage range and the rope baskets (I'm seriously enamoured with those baskets ) I have two boys who want to do little more than come home, kick off their shoes and run to the fridge.

Room Inspiration: Sturdy Storage For Busy Hallways

For me, the stacking storage trunks are an absolute winner. Choose from the single, double or triple, and pop one on top of another, too. Yes, I'd prefer all of our shoes to be hidden in gorgeous baskets, but these trunks will make it easy for the boys to drop their school shoes in and then find them again. Better done than perfect!


Next up is a product to keep the coats and school bags off the floor. The need to fling is strong in my two but I'd rather they aimed for a hook or a peg as opposed to the middle of the room so I'm thinking a shaker peg rail could be the answer. And placed at their height not at mine (I can always raise it as they get taller).

Room Inspiration: Sturdy Storage For Busy Hallways

I like that this new one from GLTC has a shelf above it, too. It's great for the boys to be able to pop the little things like stickers, conkers, and blu-tac that they always have in their hands (but are reluctant to let go of) while they do up their coats and fasten their shoes. The lunar mirror (now discontinued) is also a great option ... similar pegs and a shelf but the opportunity for last-minute hair checking before leaving the house.


So, the shoes are tucked away nicely, the coats and school bags are hanging neatly on hooks, but, what do we do with all the sports equipment, forest school clothes and wellies, and potentially musical instruments? I know the answer to this one because it really does actually sit in my hallway and it really does actually work a treat. Have a look at the exceptionally roomy Poppins toy chest.

children's toy chest

The main compartment is so deep - ideal for footballs, cricket bats, waterproofs, etc. There's also a drawer which I use for umbrellas, sun hats and sun cream ... the things not used everyday but are handy to have by the back door, just in case. It's a real gem of a toy chest.


The star book ledges are one of my favourite GLTC products so if I can find a way to squeeze them in to a room makeover, I'm going to. They're perfect for a busy hallway. Ideally, I'd have one per family member and use them for letters, books, homework books, and all the other things that gather in piles around the kitchen and then get forgotten about.

star book ledges

Would you colour code them per family member or would you keep them streamlined? I'm not sure. My tendency is to always opt for white but I really like the navy and grey mix. What do you think?


Finally, and not just because they're super cute, I'd put two storage carts in my dream hallway, one for each child. Yes, they're amazing for storing books and wheeling from room to room, but they're also fantastic for collecting up children's 'treasures'. Football stickers, bits of plasticine, the odd felt tip, little things found in party bags, and the occasional marble or two.

children's book carts

These carts could be the equivalent of the last chance saloon, as in, 'find these things a home or they'll be making their way out of the door'. Do you think that would work?

So these are the products that would make up my dream hallway. What would you put in yours?

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