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Real Life: Buy Wood, Buy Once With Izzy Judd

Oct 24, 2018 Rachel Southern
Family playing with wooden toy farm

Here at GLTC, we're passionate about wooden toys: toys so well made that they get passed down through generations let alone siblings, toys so inspiring that they’re powered by nothing other than creativity and make believe. And in these eco-sensitive days isn’t it comforting to know that wooden toys are biodegradable at the end of their play life, unlike their battery-powered, plastic counterparts, which will plague the planet well into the next century.

But we’re not the only ones who think ‘wood is good’: on the launch of our Buy Wood, Buy Once campaign, which aims to encourage parents to swap plastic for more sustainable wooden toys, we spoke to inspirational mum of two Izzy Judd, to see why she's opting for wooden toys for her two young children, Lola and Kit.


Hi Izzy, can you tell us what it is about our 'Buy Wood, Buy Once' campaign that appeals to you?

When I went back to my parents recently Lola & Kit were playing with a toy that belonged to my mum and her sister when they were children. It must be over 75 years old and I remember playing with it as a little girl too. That’s why I love this campaign because it is so true, wooden toys stand the test of time and bring so much joy over the generations.

 izzy judd and children playing with toy farm

What do you look for when you are choosing toys for Lola & Kit?

I have realised that Lola & Kit are very different with their choices of toys. Kit loves anything that makes a sound or that he can pull across the floor whereas Lola loves books, shape sorters and now she is older, role play. I try to think of the stage they are at developmentally when choosing toys and I try to steer away from gender stereotyping.


Do Lola & Kit play well together yet? What sort of toys do you think encourage sibling play?

Lola and Kit are at quite a difficult stage at the moment with their own needs and ages which can sometimes make playing together tricky. Kit puts everything in his mouth so all of Lola’s painting has to be done up high and out of reach!

Lola is beginning to understand about sharing and is realising that actually she has a little playmate in Kit. I’ve noticed that toys that encourage role play like the play kitchens and pretend food really spark their imagination and can keep them entertained together for ages. Lola likes to pretend to make me food and Kit makes sounds by banging the saucepans together!


We know you’re a fan of wooden toys as they last longer and they’re better for the environment. Do you have any personal favourites from GLTC's range?

As our home is very open plan it can be a struggle to keep the toys under control! Not only are wooden toys better for the environment, I have been really impressed at how GLTC have made their wooden toys just as colourful and engaging, they are also a bit prettier to look at in your home!

As we always have music playing, they are really enjoying the wooden farm because we can sing Old Mac Donald and name the animals. I can see this really helps to spark their imagination together.

 Willow toy farm

And which toys can you see making it on to your children's Christmas lists, this year, or maybe gifts for any children in your family?

There are so many lovely gifts to choose from for Christmas! Kit loves to copy us when we’re cleaning in the house so I have the wooden toy cleaning set on my list for him, he will absolutely love the mop (start them young!) We gave Lola the pretty GLTC doll's house for her birthday so I’m going to add some furniture as she loves to spend hours playing make believe. I also have my eye on the toy picnic set for my niece and nephew.

 Butterfly doll's house

Paint-lover or glitter-averse? Are you a fan of crafting with children, and do you have any favourite things to make or do together?

I have realised that I have to embrace the mess from arts and crafts, although I do draw the line at glitter! We do however use these brilliant paint sticks at home that don’t require water or brushes so that keeps us all happy!

I have cut out animal shapes that Lola enjoys painting and she will also tell me who she is painting them for. “This one is for daddy, mummy”

Kit is just starting to have fun with drawing too.


Autumn is such a great season for spending time outdoors. Do you have any favourite places that you like to take Lola and Kit?

Since becoming a mum, I spend more time outdoors than ever! You realise how important it is for everyone to get fresh air! There is a beautiful park, close to where we live with a duck pond, a play area for Lola & Kit and a café (every park should have a café!) It has become our little sanctuary, especially after sleepless nights. Sometimes I walk around with my two in the buggy so I can have 10 minutes to listen to some music or a podcast.


You're a mum of two with your own work commitments and you have a busy husband, how do you juggle everything? 

It can all be a bit of a juggling act, especially as our work commitments are different every day. Harry is very supportive so we work as a team which helps.


And do you have any tips for getting through the days after the sleepless nights?

Well other than a good cup of coffee, I try to drink plenty of water. I try not to feel guilty for having a nap with the little ones and aim to get to bed early the next night!


Finally, we always ask this question in interviews … What makes a happy home for you?

A happy home for me is when Harry and the children are happy.


A huge thank you to Izzy for taking the time to answer our questions.

Why not take a closer look at our beautiful range of classic wooden toys and let us know which you think would spark your children's imaginations.

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