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Musings on Motherhood

Mar 12, 2021 Claire Harmer
Mother and son spending quality time together

Happy Mother’s Day! As a family brand, with many mums on our team, we understand that motherhood has its ups and downs, but is one of the most rewarding roles you’ll ever encounter. Nothing beats the joyous journey you’ll go on, from feeling them kicking in your belly, to watching them grow in to a little person with their very own thoughts and dreams, and of course, all those wonderful squishy cuddles along the way!

To mark Mother’s Day this year, a day when we hope all our mum readers are having a well-deserved break, we thought we’d ask mums from our community to share their musings on motherhood and family life. We couldn’t resist throwing in a fun question for their kids too!

Mother and son inside play teepee

Louise - @this_beautifully_defected_life - Mum to Zebby, 3, Lily, 5 & Lucas, 10

What do you love the most about being a mum?

I have found this so incredibly difficult to answer, I think I love most and am proud of and terrified in equal measure watching how like me they are. I think most of all I have found motherhood redemptive, having had an incredibly difficult childhood myself being able to create a family of my own gave me back something I hadn’t realised I had lost. I also find I thrive on the sense of purpose and responsibility involved in raising good humans.

What are you looking forward to doing as a family when lockdown restrictions are eased?

My dad has a caravan at a water sports club and I am so hoping we will be able to visit this year and go kayaking and paddle boarding. The kids can all swim and paddle or just sit and throw pebbles in the water - they never seem to tire of that.

If your mum had a superpower, what would it be?

Lucas said: “If my mum had a superpower It would be to walk through walls or read peoples minds, but she doesn’t really need to read minds she knows us too well.”

 Mum and child reading together

Sharlene - @curlylittledreams - Mum to Hugo, 1 & Hector, 3

What do you love the most about being a mum?

Motherhood really is hard but the rewards are so worth it, even if it does sound cliché or cheesy. Their unconditional love, extra cuddles, watching them grow and seeing their personalities blossom, brings me so much joy. I really don’t take my roll as mum for granted at all.

What are you looking forward to doing as a family when lockdown restrictions are eased?

Oh I so can’t wait to sit around the table with all my loved ones and eat good food. The children have grown so much especially the littlest. So it will be so lovely when they get to spend time with their grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins... oh and of course a family holiday would also be lovely.

If your mum had a superpower, what would it be?

My eldest son said for: “Mummy to pick me up and fly up high in the sky together!”


Mother and child crafting together

Zöe - @the_warrilows - Mum to William, 2 & Martha, 5

What do you love the most about being a mum?

When I see my children help another child or each other, when they smile and laugh, or when we are having a cuddle and they say "love you mummy!"

What are you looking forward to doing as a family when lockdown restrictions are eased?

I cannot wait for picnics with friends and taking William to the zoo for the first time and seeing his reaction to all the animals close up!

If your mum had a superpower, what would it be?

Martha said: "Hmmm, a happiness power!"


Mum and son on superhero bedding

Emma - @thejoyofive - Mum to Oscar, 7, Frankie, 9, Izzy, 14, Archie, 17 & Alice, 22

What do you love the most about being a mum?

There is so much I love about being a Mum, but I would have to say it’s probably the hustle and bustle that’s brings the house to life. It’s non-stop here but I wouldn’t have it any other way. The running around, countless meal requests and the mess are all worth it when I get to sit down to cuddles in the evening!

What are you looking forward to doing as a family when lockdown restrictions are eased?

We are normally a family that can’t keep our feet on the ground so lockdown has been a huge change for us. Top of our list once things start to ease is a trip to the seaside for stone skimming and hot chips on the beach.

If your mum had a superpower, what would it be?

I asked the kids what my superpower would be and it took them a while to think, but Oscar’s was my favourite - Super Pancake Maker! He decided I was great at making pancakes and could add magic powers to them!


Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts with us Louise, Sharlene, Zöe & Emma. Some excellent superpowers you have, and we’re sure you all, like all the mums in the world, have many more! ‘Superwoman’ should be added to the dictionary definition for mother, hands up who agrees? 😊


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