It’s time. Yes, it’s time. Time to brave the crowds and get measured up for new school shoes and time to panic buy school uniform when you realise that your child has grown at least two inches over the summer and their jumper cuffs are now closer to their elbows than their wrists.
And then there’s the school run. After six weeks of later bedtimes and lazier mornings, getting everyone up, ready, fed, and out of the house in time to walk or drive to school for 9am seems virtually impossible. Even if you’ve managed to do so for clubs or childcare over the summer holidays, it seems so much harder come September, doesn’t it?
So, we’re here to help.
Just a little bit.
Yes, we’ve created a morning and after-school checklist that you can print off for your children to fill in every day. It lists the key things that they need to do before and after school – get dressed, brush teeth, put shoes on, for example - with daily boxes that they can put a big tick in once they’ve completed each task.
The cute drawings next to each activity also visually represent what needs to be done in case your little one is only just learning to read. There’s also a handy space for ‘things to remember’ and ‘after school activities’. It could be a great space for parents to note what forms need to be returned or when dinner money needs to be paid.
Use the checklist as a reward chart where your child can earn a treat for all boxes ticked at the end of each week or simply as a fun way to establish a brilliant before and after school routine. Before you know it, your child will remember what needs to be done without any prompts. Hopefully.
To save the printables, simply right click on the two images below and select 'save image as' or 'save image to downloads'. We really hope that you and your children find them useful. Good luck with the start of school next week.