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Sep 18, 2019 Rachel Southern
Baking for kids

If ever there was a season designed with bakers and cake-makers in mind, it's autumn. Practically every tree or bush has something yummy hanging or growing from it. Apples in abundance, a plethora of pears, and so many squeezable berries dangling from hedgerows - perhaps not, if you live in the middle of a city though, sorry. It seems a shame not to make the most of these offerings, so grab a basket - or Mr Fox, our book carts are brilliant for foraging - and head out to see what you can find.

Autumn baking with children ... and Mr Fox!

If you come across an apple or two, we have just the thing for you to make with your child when you get home. Apple and current flapjacks. They're the perfect post-school sweet treat. And you needn't feel guilty about them because they contain fruit. Not a great deal of fruit, it has to be said. But still, better than all sugar and zero fruit, right?

Autumn baking with children ... and Mr Fox!

on, let's get started!


80g unsalted butter (softened)
75g soft light brown sugar
1 apple (approx 140g)
30g currants
60g golden syrup
240g oats (Mornflake superfast oats are perfect for this and are an inexpensive option)

  • Preheat your over to 170C and line your tray or dish with parchment paper
  • Put 10g of the unsalted butter in a small pan and place on a low heat
  • Peel and core the apple and chop in to small chunks and heat in the pan with 5g of the soft light brown sugar until slightly caramelised
  • Take off the heat and add the currents - mix them in and move the pan to one side
  • In a second pan, add the remaining butter (70g) and soft light brown sugar (70g) along with the golden syrup and stir until they melt and become a runny, gorgeously golden substance
  • Take off the heat and stir in the oats, and then mix in the apple and currants until evenly distributed throughout the oats mixture

Autumn baking with children ... and Mr Fox!


  • Spoon the mixture in to your tray or dish
  • Place the flapjacks in the oven for 12-15 minutes until they're golden brown on top

Autumn baking with children ... and Mr Fox!

  • Leave them to cool for for 15 minutes before cutting them in to 12 portions

Autumn baking with children ... and Mr Fox!

Serve with a glass of milk and enjoy!

Baking with fox

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