Sorting and playing with the new primary coloured storage baskets

As soon as I, Rachel, spotted GLTC's new primary coloured rope storage baskets, I knew that they were going to be incredibly popular. With their vibrant, child-friendly colours and matching-but-not-matching look and feel, they're brilliant for families who love summer brights and perfect for adding a touch of fun to children's bedrooms while keeping them tidy and organised.

The different colours also make putting things away a lot easier for little ones. For example, stuffed toys go in the red basket, Lego in the blue basket, pens and pencils in the green basket, and dolls in the yellow basket. No labels to read, no looking inside to know what's in each basket. Simple! You could also do the same with shoes or hats, scarves and gloves. Why not give each family member their own colour-coded basket by the front door?

Sorting and playing with the new primary coloured storage baskets

However, as soon as my two little boys spotted the baskets, it wasn't tidying on their minds, it was Sports Day. Yes, the baskets are the same colour as their sports day teams. So it got me thinking that while the new rope storage baskets are great for keeping homes tidy, they're also brilliant for a little bit of sports day practice, too.

Fancy joining in?

Simply right click to save the Great Little Sports Day template, grab your colourful rope storage baskets, and let's head outdoors!


The Great Little Sports Day template

First up, the ring toss! More village carnival that sports day, admittedly, but still a lot of fun. Take eight rings - two blue, two green, two red, two yellow - and from three metres back, try to get them all in the corresponding baskets. Keep count of how many end up in the correct one and add the scores to the score sheet, with the winner getting one point, second place two points, and so on.

Sorting and playing with the new primary coloured storage baskets

Then, it's on to the bean bag race. Choose the colour of your bean bag and get in your lane. Run or walk as fast as you can to the finish line making sure that the bean bag stays balanced on your head, and then drop it in the same-coloured basket to finish. No cheating by taking ten steps when putting the bean bag back on your head if it falls off!

Sorting and playing with the new primary coloured storage baskets

Next up is the obstacle race, which you can lay out however you wish depending on the size and shape of your garden. I placed bean bags in the first set of baskets and rings in the second. The boys had to run back and forth picking up one object at a time and taking them back to the start line. First to retrieve all of the bean bags and rings wins!

Sorting and playing with the new primary coloured storage baskets

How about a basket/sack race? The grab handles on the rope storage baskets make them ideal for this but we'd understand if you'd prefer to use sacks instead. The baskets are really sturdy but we can't guarantee that they'd survive Tigger-like bouncing across the garden.

Sorting and playing with the new primary coloured storage baskets

Finally, it's time for the sprint. Will it make a difference to who is crowned the winner of the Great Little Sports Day? Place two baskets on the finish line and loosely drape some bunting between them for the children to run through. Add the scores to the sheet, one point for the winner, two points for second place, etc., and then total them all up.

Sorting and playing with the new primary coloured storage baskets

Celebrate with glasses of squash and plates of watermelon and orange slices. Then dust the grass off your baskets and take them back indoors until the next time!

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